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Contact Us

We Want to Hear from You

Training in Idaho

your right to file a complaint

Your rights to Equal Opportunities are important to us. If you believe your rights have been violated, your health and safety have been compromised or you are the victim of discrimination by Equus Workforce Solutions- Idaho, Please make an official complaint through the form below.


Your complaint must involve the actions or omissions of Equus Workforce Solutions staff members, or as a result of participating in a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act-funded program.


Once you submit, we will keep you informed of any action taken concerning your complaint.


To be completed by the complainant:
Please be as detailed as possible.


Your personal information:


Who is the complaint about:

Electronic Signature

I CERTIFY that I am

I CERTIFY the information furnished is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I AUTHORIZE the disclosure of this information as needed for the proper investigation and enforcement of my complaint. I UNDERSTAND my identity will be kept confidential to the maximum extent possible, consistent with applicable law and a fair determination of my complaint. I also understand it is against the law for my service provider to discharge, intimidate, retaliate, coerce or discriminate against me for filing this complaint.

You may attach up to five supporting documents. NOTE: Each file must be less than 5 MB in size. Only the following file types are allowed: pdf, bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, doc, mp3

Upload Image File
Upload Document File
Upload Audio File

Thank you for letting us know. We will contact you soon.

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